April 29, 2016
Contact: Tracy Carluccio, Delaware Riverkeeper Network, 215-369-1188 x104
Karen Feridun, Berks Gas Truth, 610-678-7726
Pennsylvania’s Dems Said NO to Fracking at Polls
Exit polling and split Senate vote reveal support for end to fracking
Harrisburg, PA – “Pennsylvania Democrats made their opposition to fracking clear during this week’s primary election,” said Diane Sipe of Pennsylvanians Against Fracking.
The two Democratic senate candidates whose platforms included a moratorium on fracking shared the plurality of the vote.[i] The response to CNN’s exit polling of Democratic voters was even clearer. Sixty three percent of Democrats who were asked “How do you feel about fracking?” said that they oppose it.[ii]
“Fracking is increasingly finding its way into the public consciousness as stories of water contamination, methane leaks, earthquakes, illnesses, and other negative impacts make headlines. The catastrophic explosion and fire and the injury that resulted in Westmoreland County Friday morning underscores the terrible consequences that drilling is having on Pennsylvania communities,” continued Sipe. “More than 685 peer-reviewed studies now collectively make the case for a moratorium on fracking.[iii] The science backs up the experience of so many Pennsylvanians who have been living near fracking or in the path of its attendant infrastructure.”
Candidates know that, if elected, they will be under pressure from their constituents to ban fracking, keep all fossil fuels in the ground, stop our reliance on dirty energy, and speed the just transition to 100% renewable energy. Those are the demands thousands will be voicing in Philadelphia on July 24th, the day before the Democratic convention begins, when they take part in the March for a Clean Energy Revolution, organized by Americans Against Fracking and Pennsylvanians Against Fracking.[iv]
About Pennsylvanians Against Fracking
Pennsylvanians Against Fracking is a statewide coalition of organizations, institutions, and businesses calling for a halt to fracking in the Commonwealth. Steering Committee member organizations include Berks Gas Truth, Delaware Riverkeeper Network, Food & Water Watch, Marcellus Outreach Butler, Marcellus Protest, Pennsylvania Alliance for Clean Water and Air, and Thomas Merton Center. Learn more about Pennsylvanians Against Fracking at
[i] PA Department of State
[ii] CNN Politics
[iii] PSE Healthy Energy
[iv] March website